Reasons why I can't wait to raise our babies in Africa...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I'm starting to realize what an amazing opportunity raising our babies in Africa is going to be. Our kids will never throw fits to go to the zoo to see gorillas, monkeys, giraffes, elephants, lions, rhinos, hippos, and honey badgers. It will be a part of their landscape for the first 10ish years of their lives. They will learn the art of silence and how it can enhance seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling everything around you, especially when you want to acquire a favorite photographic image. Hopefully, they will have an ear for language since they will be around so many. They won't have all of the marketing and outlandish advertising thrown at them by American marketing firms. During the day, we can walk everywhere. Eat foods without all of the preservatives and chemicals even I can't pronounce. They will be outside, playing soccer, running around with other children, and generally have a more active lifestyle than most American children. They will be exposed to germs and have (hopefully) healthy immune systems. They will know how to travel and be responsible while doing so. Know how to be safe in otherwise unsafe situations. Their first backpack may not actually be for school, but to go hiking and camping with mommy and daddy.

And maybe, just maybe, they will learn to love the environment and the spaces we are given like their mommy and daddy and want to wander the world and be a part of it as much as it will be a part of them. I just wish we could have had these experiences with Nora. But, since we can't, I'll keep looking forward to exposing our babies to Africa.


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